Manifattura Ceccarelli - winter is coming
One year ago we have received our first delivery from Manifattura Ceccarelli. We knew what to expect, of course.. But It was sold so quickly we couldn't even publish those jackets online.

Well, that was last year. Now we have again the same jacket, Mountain Jacket in a water-repellent dark tan waxed canvas. Fabric is made in Halley Stevensons (Scotland). The ageing of this jacket will be amazing. There is also warm pile lining and tons of other details (leather applications on pocket zippers, drawstrings on hoodie and waist etc.).

There is also a brand new style. It is a Manifattura Ceccarelli's variation of Deck Jacket. Again, the same supplier for the outer canvas (Halley Stevensons) and same boa pile lining. Otherwise, this jacket is a bit more simple than Mountain Parka but we are absolutely sure that you will be not disappointed when wearing this one for many years to come..